John King Should Ask Sen. Jefferson B. Sessions a Few Questions About Race (UPDATED)

We have spent the past week listening to Alabama Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III condescend to Sonia Sotomayor. As Bill Maher said Friday, it was like the white male Republicans suspected the cleaning lady from their club of stealing something.
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UPDATE King asked Sessions no such questions and in agreed with both Leahy and Sessions that the hearings were excellent. King told Leahy and Sessions that "both of you have received wide acclaim." On what planet?

ORIGINAL POST Hey John King*. How about making some news?

We have spent the past week listening to Alabama Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III condescend to Sonia Sotomayor. As Bill Maher said Friday, it was like the white male Republicans suspected the cleaning lady from their club of stealing something.

Let's hope that Judge Sotomayor is hiding an agenda to counteract the one that John Roberts hid.

Sunday, Senator Sessions is on State of the Union and John King can turn the tables. King should ask Sessions whose side he was on when George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door. Sessions would have been 17 when this occurred. I guarantee that Sessions cannot honestly answer this question because he was then, and continues too be, a racist.

Sessions has not been questioned properly since his own unsuccessful hearings when he was nominated for a judgeship. In those hearings, witnesses testified that Sessions had called a white civil rights attorney a "disgrace to his race" and referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as "un-American" and "Communist-inspired" and that they "forced civil rights down the throats of people."

Cory Doctorow has posted an educational slide show. One of the interesting items is a Nina Totenberg script from those hearings in which she states that Sessions never denied making those statements.

On a more serious note, as Alabama Attorney General, Sessions unsuccessfully (four hour verdict) prosecuted civil rights workers for voter fraud to the exclusion of investigating whites for the same offense.

Why should Sessions get a pass after three ridiculous days of "wise Latina" nonsense?

*CNN's twitter feed seemed to say that John King was on vacation. I changed my original post from King to Wolf Blitzer, but it turned out to be King.

King adds a column that is equally superficial. I guess that is why I watch Rachel Maddow and the Daily Show, but frankly, I would rather watch Sean Hannity than this pablum.

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